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December: Expanding Raven’s Wings

Hello Friends,

It is December! My goodness, seems like the months have flown by; we are now in the last month of the year 2020. This year has been tumultuous and unprecedented, to say the least. The Covid-19 global pandemic continues to affect all of us and our families and friends in some way, shape, or form. Prayers go out to frontline workers, doctors, nurses, and everyone who is working tirelessly to do their part to help curb and get ahead of this deadly virus. And we must do our part- wear a mask, social distance, and wash your hands! As we move through this month, the holidays are fast approaching. Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa are celebrations that we look forward to. The food, family, and gifts. A time of reflection and gratitude. How we celebrate this year will look vastly different from how we did in the past but let us never forget the common theme that all three of these holidays embody- the gift of giving. Let us give generously to those who are less fortunate out of our abundance. There are a few ways that one can make a difference in the lives of people in your community. Get some of your friends to donate food so you can put together a dinner box and present it to a needy family in your neighborhood. Have a clothing drive and donate the clothes to a shelter. Give to a charity of your choice. The adage is still true, “it is better to give than it is to receive.” The good feeling that comes from giving to help make someone else’s world a little brighter lasts far longer than the offered gift.

My contribution to those less fortunate led me to put my knitting skills to use. By no means am I a knitter extraordinaire, just a person who learned to knit from two of my former co-workers - shout out to Lucia and Manuela. Raven’s Wings was born. The raven in Native culture is often depicted as a trickster and mischievous, but they are also considered messengers between the living and spirit worlds. The raven is also compassionate and willing to come to the assistance of the weak and persecuted. Back in January, I set a goal of knitting two scarves a month to have twenty-four by December. I am happy to say that I have completed my task. I will be donating these scarves to a church in South Jersey that ministers to an underserved community. In this small gesture, it brings me joy to know that my scarves can help a few people keep their necks warm as winter approaches.

Happy Holidays!

Raven Cheyenne

Nizhoni Designs

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1 Comment

Dec 19, 2020

Raven! Your scarfs are so beautiful. Good for you for keeping your goal of knitting 2 scarfs per month. WOW!! You have a very generous spirit and I am blessed to have you as a team mate :-) When we get together will need to show me how to knit!!

Merry Christmas!


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